
3 Helpful Pet Resources from Your Vet in Austin, TX

June 29, 2022

Being a good pet owner means taking your pet to their annual wellness examinations, but we also encourage our pet owners to do some research on their own. The more you're informed and educated about pets' needs, the more you can provide for them and identify when things are wrong.

With this in mind, keep reading to learn about some helpful pet resources from a reputable vet in Austin, TX!


Infographics are some of the best ways to convey detailed or new information quickly. You can also utilize them in various ways-save them to your desktop for reference in the future or print them out and stick them to your fridge.

If a family member or friend is confused about a pet care concept, sharing them is typically easier than linking them to an extensive article.

Here are some of the topics you'll find in our robust infographics section:

  • Facts about heartworm disease
  • Symptoms of feline lower urinary tract disease
  • List of foods you should never feed to pets
  • Weight management for dogs
  • And even more

These infographics are available to download in print-friendly PDF formats or JPGs that are easier to share through text and email.

Educational Videos

Some of us are visual learners, and if this is the case for you, you'll find that educational videos may be far easier to pay attention to than blogs and articles.

All our Pet Owner Resources are compiled from reputable sources and share a variety of helpful tips, techniques, and guides, such as:

  • How to keep your cat safe inside
  • Making carriers more appealing for cats
  • Tips for adopting dogs
  • Puppy socialization
  • Dogs in parked cars
  • And more

The best part about videos is that they're normally only a few minutes long, making them easy to digest. Then, you can decide whether you want to dive deeper into the subject through your research or a talk with your vet.

Educational Dog Videos

Educational Cat Videos

Online Pet Forms

Lastly, veterinarians who offer an online portal for their patients can make appointments, schedule, and look up information on pets far more accessible for people who prefer to use the internet.

Through some pet portals, you can access your pet's medical records at any time, and you can also request prescription reveals.

Even better, some pet portals offer a Google Play or Apple Store app so that you always have easy access to the portal.

Save These Resources from Your Vet in Austin, TX

Keep in mind that you don't have to read or view all the resources you're interested in all at once. If you feel like one would pertain to your pet, bookmark the page or save it to your desktop. Then, when the time comes when you need it, the saved resources will easily jog your memory!

Of course, there will always be questions that only your veterinarian can answer. Schedule an appointment with your vet in Austin, TX, today!

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